• ZEHID programme under the spotlight at RTX 2024

  • The ’magic formula’ for decarbonisation

  • Oil on troubled waters: GB Fuels in the spotlight

  • What are Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)?

  • Battery electric truck in service - Volvo FE Electric with Fox Group

  • Understanding the ‘carbon jargon’ of commercial vehicle and freight and what it means for your business

Carbon zero insights


The beginning of the beginning…


Special thanks to Fedor Unterlohner, Freight Manager at Transport & Environment for permission to use his opinion piece in this week’s newsletter commentary.

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A postcard from India…


For this week’s commentary, we turn our attention to developments in India and have handed the pen to Ramesh Kumar for the first in a series of articles. In this commentary he’s kicking off with an overview of the legislative framework for decarbonisation currently being discussed.


Less carbon, more neon


For this week’s newsletter commentary, we returned to former Commercial Motor Editor Brian Weatherley, for his thoughts around truck charging.

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Daring to begin…


Taking the first step on the road to decarbonisation is something which we know causes a lot of angst amongst commercial vehicle operators, large or small. The decisions to be made; should you opt for battery electric or Hydrogen, understanding the issues around infrastructure and new fuelling regimes, plus all ...


Spare a thought for the “little ‘uns”


Former Commercial Motor Editor, Brian Weatherley, takes the pen for this week’s commentary, sharing his observations on the journey to Net Zero for the small fleets.


Stuck in the TCO trap


Last week was a hectic week for the Freight Carbon Zero editorial team. We started the week with the first of our Freight Carbon Zero Think Tanks, hosted in partnership with our friends at the BVRLA, before heading to Amsterdam for the Smart Freight Centre’s Smart Freight Week and concluding ...

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Let’s cut the red tape on longer semi-trailers


This week we welcome back Stephen Fitter to share his views about longer semi-trailers and the carbon savings going begging due to the bureaucracy associated with the approval process.


EU CO2 Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles


This week we welcome back regular commentator Darren Newman to give us his take on new CO2 regulations making their way through the EU legislative process.


Net zero targets are for life, not just a corporate statement...


If evidence were needed that a net zero claim is for life and not just the corporate strategy document, then the news that the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has de-listed more than 200 companies from its Business Ambition for 1.5degC campaign is it. With impending European legislation set to ...