TSG Netherlands has unveiled together with Kempower, a cutting-edge “charging plaza” designed to serve electric trucks and off-highway vehicles. Located in Geldermalsen, and initiated by Watthub, the facility operates exclusively on renewable energy and features advanced Kempower hardware. 


Source: TSG

The WattHub electric vehicle charging plaza comprises six Power Units, each providing 600kW, and 36 Kempower Satellites, capable of delivering power ranging from 25 to 400kW to the connected vehicles. These 600kW units can serve up to six charging points and dynamically allocate energy based on usage, thanks to Kempower’s ChargEye Depot Master charging management software. This cloud-based system ensures efficient charging while avoiding over-capacity and cost overruns.


Source: TSG

TSG takes pride in hosting what it considers the world’s most extensive fast-charging plaza for electric trucks and off-highway vehicles. The chosen location, Geldermalsen, strategically situated between Rotterdam and the highway to Germany, positions it as an ideal stopover for electric truck journeys in the foreseeable future.

TSG Netherlands managed the installation of Kempower chargers and transformer stations and conducted the necessary electrical work. It’s worth noting that this charging plaza exclusively relies on wind and solar power to operate.