Volta Trucks and Cake, the Swedish manufacturer of premium lightweight electric motorcycles, have announced a collaboration aimed at decarbonising and decongesting last mile deliveries while also improving customer service.

The first experiment, set to take place in Paris in Q1 2023, will be with the H&M Group, a fashion and design family of brands and organisations. The completely integrated, zero-emission delivery service from warehouse to client, employs an efficient mix of electric vehicles and electric two-wheelers.


Volta X Cake

Source: Volta Trucks PR

The Volta Zero will operate as a transportable microhub or mini-warehouse. Cake’s electric bikes will be put into the Volta Zero from the distribution centre and deployed towards the city centre at the start of the working day. The Cake electric motorbikes will then carry the remaining mile of parcels to clients in the quickest and most sustainable way possible, without interfering with traffic or battling with parking. The Volta Zero is free to redeploy to other places during the day or to offer quick-replacement batteries for the Cake motorcycles if needed, ensuring efficient city-wide delivery coverage.

“The partnership between Volta Trucks and Cake will showcase how a combination of zero tailpipe emission transport solutions can bring benefit to brands and customers, such as the H&M Group, and city centre environments.” said,  Essa Al-Saleh, Chief Executive Officer of Volta Trucks.

“Solutions need to be developed to offer lower emissions and less congestion, while benefiting from far more efficient deliveries all the way to the end customer. This innovative mobility ecosystem that the three brands are trialling is setting a clear direction for both healthier cities and business advantages.” said Stefan Ytterborn, founder and CEO of Cake.