Lunaz Applied Technologies has announced its upcycling campus in Northamptonshire’s Silverstone Technology Cluster is now fully operational after a substantial expansion. The facility, the world’s first of its sort, currently covers 18,500sq-m, roughly four times its initial size when it launched in 2018. The company has also generated 300 additional jobs, making Lunaz the largest company in the Silverstone Technology Cluster both in terms of space and workers.

With a capacity of 1,100 vehicles per year, Lunaz will be boosting its manufacturing of its upcycled electric vehicles (UEVs). Upcycling is the process of taking a commercial vehicle and coverting it to a fully battery electric powertrain.


“The expansion of the Lunaz Silverstone campus is a clear demonstration of our commitment to breaking the replace-with-new cycle. Lunaz now has the largest manufacturing footprint of any company within the Silverstone Technology Cluster. From this state-of-the-art facility, we unlock the power of upcycling, providing UEVs that are cleaner, cheaper and better equipped than their all-new equivalents. Our new and fully operational facilities, which gives us four times as much space as we had before, enables us to continue scaling up production of our UEVs, meet the demands of more fleet operators and government bodies who want to benefit from our technology.” said David Lorenz, Founder, Lunaz. “We will also continue to grow this critical sector through the research and development of our proprietary EV technologies, too. Above all, it’s a huge vote of confidence in our own technology and upcycling model, and in Silverstone as a location. We’re very excited that this new chapter has begun.”