Tesco’s distribution team is partnering with 15 of its major suppliers to cut the number of trucks on the road this Christmas.
The trial has delivered savings of over 400,000 road miles per year - a reduction of more than 450 tonnes of CO2. Tesco is now planning to expand the trial to other suppliers. The retailer has consolidated and streamlined the routes suppliers use when delivering to distribution centres, following a review by its road traffic control team to establish which suppliers deliver to the same locations.
As part of the trial Christmas favourites such as trifle, parsnips, broccoli and carrots are being moved together to help cut emissions.
The process finds products that can fit into spaces on a truck by filling in the gaps – leading to savings of over 400,000 truck miles per year, equating to 17 trips around the world.
The retailer said the change has taken more than 3,400 trucks off the road so far, leading to a saving of over 450 tonnes of CO2.
Trudy Wilson, Tesco head of supplier ordering, said: “By working closely with our suppliers and joining them up to use each other’s transport routes, we’re delighted to have delivered savings in emissions and costs for suppliers.
“The ‘Tetris’-style project helps us use as much space as possible in our trucks over the Christmas period, making the most of every journey and helping to keep trucks off the road at a busy time of year.
We have exciting plans for the year ahead and are hoping to expand the project with more suppliers coming on board.”