Tevva, the hydrogen-electric truck OEM, has completed its hot weather and altitude testing programme in Spain’s Sierra Nevada. Successfully reaching 3,479 meters above sea level and working in extreme weather conditions, sometimes over 40 degrees, Tevva succeeded in proving that electric trucks are the unarguable choice. Over the course of several tough weeks for the team, the Tilbury based engineering firm ensured that their 7.5-tonne battery-electric truck can withstand extreme temperatures and terrain.


“The completion of both hot and cold weather testing is a landmark moment for Tevva. Our tests have been conducted so that customers can have complete confidence that our trucks will perform every time”, said Ken Scott, chief engineer at Tevva.

The production of Tevva’s 7.5-tonne battery-electric truck has now commenced at its UK facility, ‘with the first delivery to customers in autumn 2022.’